Finding inspiration on my journey

Making Memories and Finding Inspiration

Inspiration comes like an epiphany.  Oh there you are, how did I not see you?  So when and where did it show up for me in 2018?

A view of Michelle O. from the nosebleed section!
  • Sitting in Barclay Center in Brooklyn with my sister, niece and daughter listening to Michelle Obama talk about hope and strength.
Cabin Camping in Round Houses in the High Desert, at Jae’s Place!
  • Walking and Tracking in the High Desert Wildlife Refuge,  “Outland,”  Jae Haggard’s “Retreat and Healing Center for Women.”  Jae is awesome and inspirational!
  • Also, connecting with my sister and mom cabin camping at Outland!
  • Watching my boys together while birthday bowling.
  • A new grandson born.  Yes that makes 4!
    Daughter & grandson

    And another baby on the way for 2019.



Paddling & Fishing with daughter & grandson
  • Paddling in the Adirondacks with Daughter and Grandson (while they fished!)
  • Working with the land, to prepare a new site, for “The Three Sisters”, three new Earth
    Three of my sons who make me smile!

    friendly year round full amenity camping cabins for 2020!

    New Site: Three Sisters; Leaving native bushes on the outskirts of the site to continue to attract wildlife with food and shelter.


Wishing you all a New Year filled with inspirational experiences and peace!

Bear Track in the High Desert of Serafina, New Mexico