Dreams Come True on Hammond Hill

I continue to be amazed as I watch my dreams come to fruition.    I am more convinced then ever that if we look deep within ourselves, we will find the connection we have to everything and everybody in this world. Within that connection we will find our path.  Once on our path, the universe will conspire to help us move forward.

Today, for the 2nd time this summer I have had the opportunity to watch young bird hatch-lings take their first flight from their nest.  The first ended up on a pile of logs below the nest…possibly with a little help from it’s two siblings nudging it out to have a little more space.

After peering up at it’s safe home, it has since taken flight.  The other two sat for awhile – one perched just outside the nest on a rafter and the other seemingly content in the nest.  The mother chirped nearby but would not bring them food.   Two hours later as I sit here observing, the nest baby has left and only the bird on the rafter remains.  Mama Robin has brought it worms twice now.  Maybe too enabling?  But maybe not.  Maybe we each have our own paths with different needs.

As the birds lives transition, so does mine.  Although it’s tempting to worry about my young adult children – all who have flown the coop – it is much easier and more productive to believe in them.  And I do believe.  I believe they will find their path and grow into their amazing lives.  I watch as my own parents proceed on their paths.  My mom so bravely down-sizing and selling the beautiful house in the Taos Canyon to live a more simple life in town and my father as he struggles with his mind no longer cooperating with present day reality.  Although it has not been an easy relationship throughout my life with my parents.  I feel a deep emotion as I watch them age.  


I am grateful to have been given this life on our planet, and only hope that my gratitude can result in actions that help move the world towards a more peaceful and joyful space.   As I age, I continue to realize how much I do not know.  One thing I do know though, is that I find solace and peace when I connect with nature on Hammond Hill.

Wishing you all a summer full of peaceful and joyful moments.  After flying down to my “director’s chair” – I kid you not – the last baby just took flight!

With Peace and Gratitude,

Susan (Grandma Eshay) & Taz
