Director’s Journey

Pancakes and Smoke
campearthconnection Director's Journey
Each summer from late May to early October, Taz and I get up early in the morning to do our morning routine of coffee, stretching and a walk in the forest. Following that routine we prepare a “campfire pancake and oatmeal breakfast” for our guests. This is a wonderful time of connection when we get […]

Finding inspiration on my journey
campearthconnection Director's Journey
Making Memories and Finding Inspiration Inspiration comes like an epiphany. Oh there you are, how did I not see you? So when and where did it show up for me in 2018? Sitting in Barclay Center in Brooklyn with my sister, niece and daughter listening to Michelle Obama talk about hope and strength. Walking and […]

Trillium and Healing
campearthconnection Director's Journey, Uncategorized
What a glorious morning it is on Hammond Hill at Camp Earth Connection. This morning I went for a run, well actually a very slow enjoyable jog, and allowed my eyes soak up the Trillium (a native perennial to our region) which is scattered throughout forest. It’s hard to find words to describe what it’s […]

Planning a Memorable Camping Trip
campearthconnection Director's Journey
Eshay’s Advice on Planning a Memorable Camping Trip There are two kinds of unforgettable camping trips – the ones you want to remember and the ones you may wish to forget. But in truth, I am personally grateful for all of my camping memories. Some of those early camping trips taught me some pretty important […]

eshay’s 7 Best Ways to Survive Winter in the Finger Lakes
campearthconnection Director's Journey
For many of us….it’s beginning. That mild depression that begins right after the holiday season and increases until late February; When it almost feels unbearable and then the sun starts shining and the snow starts melting, and the hope of brighter days returns. Living in the Ithaca area now for just about 35 years, I […]